
Enjoy high-voltage bundled checking and 储蓄账户 that allows teens to take charge of their money.  


The 伏特少年网赌最好最大平台 Account is designed to assist teenagers develop money management experience, 同时保护他们免受共同费用的侵害. 个人理财需要实践 — and what better way to practice smart financial habits than with a 青少年 Volt 储蓄 and checking account. 青少年s learn how to spend, save, transfer and manage their accounts from their mobile device.

We believe in financial literacy and offer periodic online and in-person educational courses throughout the year. There are many new and exciting experiences that come with a checking and 储蓄 account. 我们很自豪地支持我们的Volt会员,提供 教育和支持 一路走来的每一步.




专为13至18岁的会员设计, the 青少年 Volt网赌最好最大平台 Account has a special checking account fee structure that protects against costly Overdraft fees. Once teenagers reach the age of 19, they qualify for reduced fees until they age out at 25.



用青少年 Volt支票账户培养聪明的理财习惯, 免费借记卡, 而且没有透支费.




得到 更多的 青少年伏特帐户.

教育就是一切. In addition to empowering teenagers to save money with no fees and develop strong money management skills, 我们解释网上网赌最好最大平台是如何工作的. 我们指导他们如何最好地利用我们的产品和服务, 建立更明智的消费和储蓄习惯.    

更多的储蓄 & 收益:

  • 储蓄账户可以很快地为会员积累3美元.存款余额最高可达$1,000,年利率为00%.
  • 没有透支费——我们是认真的. The 伏特少年网赌最好最大平台 检查 account for members ages 13-18 is more than totally FREE checking. 没有透支费. 真的.
  • 年满16岁的Volt会员可以申请Visa奖励卡. 这张卡有合理的信用额度和低利率, 并让你开始积累永不过期的奖励积分. But just so your parents aren't worried about it, we do require a co-signer until age 18.


  • 给朋友寄钱 Zelle. 通过Arbor Financial移动应用程序向朋友付款. 无需下载任何其他软件或第三方应用程序, 我们都为你准备好了.
  • Quick balances: Set up quick balances so you can see what's in your account without having to log in.
  • 转账: 轻松地从父母的账户中获得资金.
  • 自动取款机使用:您的伏特青少年网赌最好最大平台借记卡将允许您使用超过30,000台合作自动取款机随处可见, 免费, 全国范围内. 找到一个免费的自动取款机 今天.


定期, 我们会在学校和阿伯金融公司举办活动, 用来解释以下事情:

  • 如何管理储蓄 & 支票账户
  • 借记卡和信用卡的区别
  • 如何设定明智的理财目标
  • 什么是信用评分,为什么它很重要
  • 预算编制基础

另外,作为会员,你将有资格获得我们的年度奖学金. 我们很荣幸地奖励10美元,000 scholarships to member high school students to improve their lives through higher education.


  • 卡控App, members can decide when, where and how their debit cards are used in real-time.
  • 您可以享受方便的功能,如打开/关闭借记卡, 接收即时交易警报, 设置卡的使用限制, 和更多的!
  • 在应用程序中报告您的卡丢失或被盗. 
  • Register your card within the card control app and instantly add your card to your phones 电子钱包. 


The Volt 储蓄 account not only teaches your teen about financial responsibility, 但也为父母或法定监护人提供了一些福利: 

  • 很容易转移 - Quickly transfer funds into your teen’s account; no more third party apps or having to shell out cash.
  • 卡保护 -打开和关闭卡片并指定用途.
  • 监控账户余额 -Set up quick balances to check the 储蓄 account balance without logging in.


年满16岁的Volt会员就有资格获得 Visa奖励信用卡 -以最高1,000元的信贷限额及低利率起步. Volt members can build up their credit and earn reward points that never expire. *注:18岁以下儿童的家长必须共同签署帐户.

There are numerous benefits to building credit early and mastering the functional difference between a credit and debit card. 


  • 在到期之前付清账单,这样你就不会产生利息.
  • Use your credit card to cover minor emergencies (make your monthly payments on time if you can’t pay it off in full).
  • 不要太疯狂. 如果你没有正确使用信用卡, you can get in trouble with your account (which isn’t a good way to start your credit foundation).
  • Remember, with a credit card, you borrow against your remaining balance and repay it. 使用借记卡,你可以立即用账户里的现金支付. 不同的卡片适合不同的需求. 练习做出明智的财务决策.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get about our Volt 网赌最好最大平台 & 储蓄账户.

*年利率百分比(APY). 的速度 3.00% APY applies to balances up to $1,000 on 伏特少年网赌最好最大平台 储蓄 accounts. 超过1,000美元的余额将享受正常的储蓄利率. 条款及条件如有更改,恕不另行通知. 帐户批准可能基于诸如合格的父母等因素, 青少年的年龄, 收入的核实.

Zelle及其相关商标由预警服务公司全资拥有, 并经许可在此使用.

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